Did you know that you can navigate the posts by swiping left and right?
You may have different reasons why you want to stay (always) connected to an IRC channel. Maybe you did a question and you are waiting for a response but you have other things to do and you want to shut your notebook down. Or maybe you are the maintainer of a program and you would like to see all the questions your users did during the last 24 hours.
Firstly, you will need a cloud service with Linux. Then you will have to install and set up 'weechat' and 'tmux'.
Installing Weechat
Weechat is a text-based IRC client easy-to-use.
$ sudo apt-get install weechat
Installing tmux
tmux is a terminal multiplexer that allows you to have multiple terminal sessions to be accessed from a single screen. You can switch between these terminals.
$ sudo apt-get install weechat
After installing tmux and weechat, start a new tmux session. We will call to this session ircsession.
$ tmux new -s ircsession
Then you will open weechat.
$ weechat
In weechat, you can connect to the IRC server and channel you want. For example, let's connect to #gstreamer in irc.freenode.net!
/set irc.server.freenode.nicks "your_nickname" /connect freenode /join #gstreamer
If you got an error about SASL, do this:
/set irc.server.freenode.sasl_username "your_nickname" /set irc.server.freenode.sasl_password "xxxxxxx"
That's it. You can close the terminal window when you want. if you want to see your IRC tmux session again later, type:
tmux attach -t ircsession
For more information, you can check the Weechat quick start guide.