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typedef struct { gchar *key; gchar *value; } ProjectSettingsDic; void ges_pitivi_formatter_set_metadata (GESPitiviFormatter * formatter, const gchar * uri, gchar * author, gchar * name, gchar * year) { xmlNodePtr nodo, metadata; xmlDocPtr doc = NULL; doc = xmlParseFile(uri); nodo = xmlDocGetRootElement(doc); metadata = xmlNewChild(nodo, NULL, BAD_CAST "metadata", NULL); xmlSetProp(metadata,BAD_CAST "author",BAD_CAST author); xmlSetProp(metadata,BAD_CAST "name",BAD_CAST name); xmlSetProp(metadata,BAD_CAST "year",BAD_CAST year); xmlSaveFile(uri, doc); } GHashTable * ges_pitivi_formatter_get_metadata (GESPitiviFormatter * formatter, const gchar * uri) { xmlDocPtr doc; xmlNodePtr root; xmlNodePtr node; GHashTable *hashTable; ProjectSettingsDic *author; ProjectSettingsDic *name; ProjectSettingsDic *year; ProjectSettingsDic *recalledObject; doc = xmlParseFile (uri); root = xmlDocGetRootElement (doc); node = root->xmlChildrenNode; while (( node != NULL) && (g_strcmp0((gchar *)node->name, "metadata") != 0)) { node = node->next; } hashTable = g_hash_table_new(g_str_hash, g_str_equal); // Create author author = g_new0(ProjectSettingsDic, 1); author->key = g_strdup("author"); author->value = g_strdup((char *)xmlGetProp(node, BAD_CAST "author")); g_hash_table_insert(hashTable, author, author); // Create name name = g_new0(ProjectSettingsDic, 1); name->key = g_strdup("name"); name->value = g_strdup((char *)xmlGetProp(node, BAD_CAST "name")); g_hash_table_insert(hashTable, name, name); // Create year year = g_new0(ProjectSettingsDic, 1); year->key = g_strdup("year"); year->value = g_strdup((char *)xmlGetProp(node, BAD_CAST "year")); g_hash_table_insert(hashTable, year, year); return hashTable; }